Sunday 14 July 2013


So we had a lot of problems wth this site on my tablet and the poor internet signal so here are a few images off my mobile or that the girls emailed me.
 Lock bridge Paris
Trevi Foutain

Moulin Rouge

Biennale - Venice


Biennale - Venice


Biennale - Venice

Rusian Pavilion Biennale - Venice

Rusian Pavilion Biennale - Venice

Biennale - Venice

Arch de Triumph




Arch de Triumph

Eifel Tower


Friday 5 July 2013

Rome to Orvieta

So today we were planing to go to an art gallery Villa  Borghese and then to Orvieta but there were some lanuage barrier issues and ended up driving stright there. After driving for two and a half hours we stopped and took a cable car to old Orvieta, we hand lunch there and had some shopping time. We also visited duomo, a church in the little town. Then we went underground, there were over 1200 caves and we went into two of them. After all of that we made our way to our farm stay. this was an amazing and peaceful place. We got to swim in the pool and then had a pasta making class.

2nd day Rome

hi everyone :)
On Tuesday morning we had breakfast at the hotel, then caught the train to Vatican City, the smallest country in the world. We had a tour through the museum, the Sistine Chapel and St Peter's Basilica. It was really amazing, the amount of detail they put into everything. We went out for lunch there and later for gelato. After lunch  we got on a hop-on hop-off bus and got to look at lots of pretty buildings around Rome, as well as the Colosseum. The fashion girls went into the high-end shops such as Bulgari, Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Gucci and Armani to look at the new styles. The art girls went to the National Gallery, which they said was very interesting. We went out for dinner down the road from the hotel, and after went shopping at the markets. Julia

Thursday 4 July 2013

First day in Rome

hey everyone
when we got off our long flight from bangkok to rome, we got on the bus and drove to our hotel, bypassig beautiful sunflower fields on the way. we were put into room groups of three, four or five girls and got freshened up before sightseeing in the streets of rome.
firstly we walked to the trevi fountain and it was crowded. we got gelato and then walked to the pantheon. we had a classic italian lunch at the Piazza novona: pizza and pasta. the girls then split in to year groups, andcontinued roaming around rome, visiting things such as the spanish steps, various churches and galleries including caravaggios work. we then caught the train back to near where we were staying and had dinner at Robertos, where we ate three courses of food. we were all exhausted so it was an early night for everyone.

Friday 28 June 2013

only one sleep to go, i hope you are all packed and ready to go. Remember to pack suitable clothing and dont forget a hat. see you all at 8.15am tomorrow morning.

Wednesday 26 June 2013