Thursday 4 July 2013

First day in Rome

hey everyone
when we got off our long flight from bangkok to rome, we got on the bus and drove to our hotel, bypassig beautiful sunflower fields on the way. we were put into room groups of three, four or five girls and got freshened up before sightseeing in the streets of rome.
firstly we walked to the trevi fountain and it was crowded. we got gelato and then walked to the pantheon. we had a classic italian lunch at the Piazza novona: pizza and pasta. the girls then split in to year groups, andcontinued roaming around rome, visiting things such as the spanish steps, various churches and galleries including caravaggios work. we then caught the train back to near where we were staying and had dinner at Robertos, where we ate three courses of food. we were all exhausted so it was an early night for everyone.

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